For the first time 8 events were organized in front of Mercator Centres in Slovenia and we received the UEFA award for the best comprehensive football project for youth in Europe.
We organized 9 events in Slovenia, 1 in Zagreb, 1 in Sarajevo and 1 in Belgrade, all in front of Mercator Centres. We managed to break through and appear on national television. For the first time they are including ten 30-minute shows in their programme schedule. We also received a recognition in the UEFA contest for Best Photography.
We organized 9 events in Slovenia, 1 in Zagreb, 1 in Sarajevo and 1 in Belgrade, and we also organized the grand final with all the best schools from the previous events in Slovenia and abroad.
For the first time we organized 9 events in the Slovenian city centres attended by teams only from elementary schools. We also invited some young singers, musicians, bands, dancers and acrobatic groups. All the best participants met in the finals, which took place in front of the Ptuj city house. The event was also attended by children from the neighbouring Italy. We spiced things up by bringing Brane, illusionist and magician. This is the third year the TV show is broadcast on TV Slovenia. We received a recognition and best award in the Best TV Feature Story contest managed by the Ministry of Education and Sport.
We organized 9 elementary school competition events in the Slovenian city centres. The grand final took place in Ljubljana, in BTC, in front of ATLANTIS Water Park. For the first time we invited children from foreign elementary schools with the Slovenian language to cooperate with us. The invitation was accepted by Ljudska Mohorjeva šola from Klagenfurt, bilingual school from Zgornji Senik in Hungary and Multilevel school with the Slovenian language from Nova Gorica and Doberdob. This is the fourth year of broadcasting our TV show on TV Slovenia. We received a recognition and the best award in the Best TV Feature Story contest managed by the Ministry of Education and Sport, as well as a golden plaque of OKS for the media and child and youth sport activities and the UEFA’s recognition for the best integrated youth project in Europe. Žogarija took place in 9 countries and totaled 17 events in the entire region. The event was broadcast on 17 different TV stations in the countries from the entire region.
This year the Project has been expanded throughout the entire region. We have realized 18 events in seven countries – Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Italy, Austria and Hungary, including the grand final in Ljubljana, which took place in front of Atlantis Water Park.
This year eight countries have actively participated in the Project – Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Italy, Austria and Hungary. Total 30 events took place and the TV shows were broadcast in foreign and domestic national TV stations.