Mini žogarija

Activity description:
In the beginning we gather the children in one place and tell them a fairytale. Later activities of Mini Žogarija are related to the fairytale content. You can see an example below:
MOJCA POKRAJCULJA, fairytale from Koruška
The fairytale is told.
1. Task: Mojča’s pot rolling (one child is in a bag, while the other pulls it to the other side of the playground)
2. Fox (this is where both rope games may take place, elastics)
3. Wolf (tightrope walking, the rope is on the ground and requires balanced walk, walk through different obstacles)
4. Bear (one child has a huge hoop to catch bees and when it catches one, they catch the rest of the bees together until they all get caught)
5. Bunny (children jump as bunnies when they arrive on the other side, they jump one another)
6. Doe (they must work jointly to transfer the pillows to the other side and then build a house)
7. A fox plants honey to a rabbit = rotten egg game

In addition to the listed tasks, during each event there is a mini football pitch for kindergarten children, as well as race track, Lego site and creative drawing site.

– Purpose and goals:

We lead our youngest to the world of games, fun and socializing through fairytales and stories.

– Participation:

Four kindergarten groups take part in each event, i.e. about 80 children and eight teachers.